
Tuesday 10 January 2012

"Bachelor Mother"

There's many movies with Ginger Rogers which are or not really...
But this one I truly like!
After watching 'Bundle of joy', musical in colour, from 1956 with Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher I had this strange feeling in my throat. Like after eating kilos of ugly candies made from sugar only. Too much of everything. The subject excludes musical. Colours and musical and the subject makes it like marshmallows with chocolate and bananas and 50s on top of it.

But original movie from 1939 starring Ginger Rogers, with her mocking eyes full of ignorance or viciousness, and David Niven, nothing of a sweet boy, rather posh intelectual voice and attitude, is A Good One. Who knows why 'Bundle of joy' floods internet if there's such a good original !!!

So No to 'Bundle of joy'
..wherever it is on the net!
who cares ???

And Yes to 'Bachelor Mother'
so easily available HERE - watch on free account

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